Sunday, February 1, 2009

keyed exposures


  1. Are those some kind of zone notations? Yikes.
    Glad to be one of your followers.

  2. Sorta Zone. The Pentax Digital Spotmeter uses the IRE scale created by the Institute of Radio Engineers for use in broadcast television. Its narrow 10:1 lighting ratio can be useful in photography with a little tinkering. That still life was my tinkering.

  3. So... Does that mean that your monitor is calibrated to this colorspace as well. And your printer?

  4. Since I have color neg film and a scanner thrown into the production chain, I can't say everything is speaking exactly the same language. It's all about the PRINT, so I try to keep as much camera information onboard as I can and tweak it along the way toward ink with minimal surprises.
